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hacksoftware by COBRA NEB1 / _-_-_-_ Cererile voastre _-_-_-_ / Inout Search Engine Moderat de scandal
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Salut as vrea si eu va rog mult,mult,mult sa imi faceti si mie rost de scriptu sau ce o fi de la http://www.inoutscripts.com/products/in ... ch_engine/ va rog mult

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        Search Engine </strong> is the most powerful, affordable, flexible, feature rich, customizable meta search engine script available on the Internet. It comes preloaded with 12 of the most popular searches on net including Web, Images, Video, News, Sports, Audio, Forum, Blog, Kids, Dictionary, Wiki, PDF which you can enable or disable as you wish. The latest edition of Inout Search Engine allows your visitors to choose their desired language (14 languages by default) and their desired style in which they want to see your website. Apart from the default engines, new engines can be added based on a themes, websites, domain extensions and the file type of result, which would allow it to run like fully featured search engines like yahoo, google etc or a niche search engine according to your interest.</p>


<strong>Easy Engine Creation:</strong> Inout Search Engine comes with 12 preloaded engines. Don't be satisfied. Inout Search Engine allows you to create as many engines you want, about any topic, theme, file type, website(s) or TLD extensions. It is as easy as you specify just the topic/website/file type/TLD extension, and click on the 'create engine' button; The new engine will be readily available to the public which allows them to get results only for the criteria you specified.<br>

<strong>Languages</strong> (<font color="#ff0000">*NEW*</font>) :</strong> Inout Search Engine allows your visitors to choose the languages in which they want to use your search engine, as like in Google. Inout Search Engine is preloaded with 14 languages. You may easily add/manage more languages from your admin area. Inout Search Engine support languages of both the directions(Left to Right/Right to Left). It helps you to provide a global search service from your website.<br>

<strong>Search Engine based on APIs</strong> (<font color="#ff0000">*NEW*</font>) : Inout Search Engine helps you to run your search engine without worrying about legal issues. We have modified our search engine mechanism, which helps you to integrate your FREE API keys like yahoo boss API, Google Youtube API etc. Our engineers are working on other API keys (Ebay, Amazon etc) also and will be available shortly.<br>

<strong>Themes</strong> (<font color="#ff0000">*NEW*</font>) : It is a unique feature available in Inout Search Engine. It allows you to create new themes from your admin area for different parts of the public pages. You may then create 'theme groups' mixing the themes created. These theme groups will be available for the public to choose their desired style. There are 8 default theme groups integrated in the script. You may add/manage more themes/theme groups easily. <br>

Do you want us to help you to create a unique theme for your websites? Our designers can help you to get it done. Please <a href="contact.php">contact us</a>.<br>


<strong>Bad words filter:</strong> Even though Inout Search Engine delivers family safe results most of the times, we additionally have a bad word filter feature. It allows you to specify a set of keywords from your admin area. These keywords will be stripped out from the public searches.<br>

<strong>Advanced Search</strong> (<font color="#ff0000">*NEW*</font>) : Advanced search allows your users to search based on their special criteria. Search can be done for an exact phrase, in a specific domain, by excluding a particular domain or excluding a particular word. <br>

<strong>Result Cache:</strong> In order to reduce the API calls and to speed up the search query, Inout Search Engine caches the results into database to a specific period of time. Administrator can specify the caching period for each engine. Cache period can be set from one day to 6 months. <br>


<strong>Engine Display Style</strong> (<font color="#ff0000">*NEW*</font>) : In order to meet your timely demands on look and feel, we have decided to be more flexible in the way engines are represented to the public. Now you can configure your engine display style from admin area in four styles. You may specify whether it need to be tabs, text links, drop downs or radio buttons. <br>

<strong>'I'm feeling lucky' button</strong> (<font color="#ff0000">*NEW*</font>) : Deal with impatient visitors. This button guide you to the best search result page for the entire results. By clicking this button your visitors will be redirected automatically to the URL of the first search result.<br>

<strong>Cloud Tags</strong> (<font color="#ff0000">*NEW*</font>) : Cloud tags show you the most popular searches of last 7 days. The size of the keyword is proportional to the number of searches. The total keywords showing in the cloud tags can be configured from the admin area.<br>

<strong>Arithmetic Conversions</strong> (<font color="#ff0000">*NEW*</font>) : Allows to perform arithmetic operation using web search. You can enter an arithmetic expressions in the search field and click the search button to evaluate it.<br>

<strong>Unit Conversions</strong> (<font color="#ff0000">*NEW*</font>) : This feature enables your visitors to convert one standard unit to another standard unit(eg: 1 inch = 2.54 centimeters). You may specify the units you want to allow in the system. This is an optional feature which can be disabled from your admin area.<br>

<strong>Thumbshot:</strong> A thumbshot is a pictorial representation of the home page of the website of the result URL. Thumbshots can be displayed along with each search result. You can specify whether users need to be able to turn on/off the thumbshots.<br>

<strong>Quick Look:</strong> Quick look is an unique feature available in Inout Search Engine which allows your visitors to see the result web page without changing the browser page location. In the result page there will be a link named quicklook along with each result. A user can click on that link to open a new frame just below the result and the result page URL loads in the frame. User may close or maximize the frame according to his/her convenience. <br>


<strong>Email a Friend:</strong> You can allow your visitors to send each result link/webpage to his/her friend if they want to refer it.<br>

<strong>Mix image results in web results</strong> (<font color="#ff0000">*NEW*</font>) : As like in popular search engines Google and Yahoo, now you can mix image search results in its corresponding web search result. Inout Search Engine will not use an API call to fetch the image results, 

 but mix the images only if the image results for the same keyword is already available in the cache database.<br>

<strong>Spelling Suggestion</strong> (<font color="#ff0000">*NEW*</font>) : Inout Search Engine helps your users to search what they are exactly looking for. The spelling suggestion feature let users to search with the correct keyword/phrases.<br>


<strong>Related Searches </strong>(<font color="#ff0000">*NEW*</font>) : Inout Search Engine suggests relevant keywords related to the search keyword, in the result pages.<br>

<strong>Detailed Statistics:</strong> Detailed search statistics allows you to track complete search statistics based on keywords, engines and time period. It gives you a good information about your search engine growth and user trends.<br>

<strong>Open source code:</strong> All files except a few library files and controllers (Which you never need to modify) are open source and you may do code level customization even in the admin area. <br>


<strong>Advertisement enabled:</strong> Now earn more money with Inout Search Engine adding your ad codes. You can easily add your google adsense/other affiliate ad codes to the template files. <br>

<strong>Free Copyright Removal:</strong> You are free to remove the copyright notice in the page footer in the public pages of the script. You may remove the powered by link also if you do not want to join our affiliate program. You may do it just by modifying a simple HTML file.<br>

<strong>PPC Search Engine:</strong> You may now run a PPC Search Engine service using either Inout Adserver or Inout PPC Engine along with Inout Search Engine.<br>


<strong>PHP development with MVC(Model-View-Controller) framework:</strong> Inout Search Engine is using the professional MVC style of PHP development, which enables you to extend/customize the software adding any new feature you want, with minimal maintenance/customization cost.<br>

<strong>Easily customizable:</strong> Template driven pages allow you to create your own look and feel or easily integrate the site into a design template you already have. <br>

        We have hundreds of clients. Out of them a few are listed below.You will be surprised to see how effectively our clients are using the script.<br>

        - <a href="http://www.njiji.com/" target="_blank">binji.com</a><br>
        - <a href="http://www.emosearch.com/" target="_blank">emosearch.com</a><br>
        - <a href="http://www.divaxchange.com/" target="_blank">DivaXchange.com</a> <br>

        - <a href="http://search.careersrn.com/" target="_blank">search.careersrn.com</a> <br>
        - <a href="http://510search.com/" target="_blank">510search.com</a> <br>
        - <a href="http://www.easysearchlive.com/" target="_blank">easysearchlive.com</a> <br>
        - <a href="http://qpn.co.il/" target="_blank">qpn.co.il</a> <br>

        - <a href="http://www.askocean.ie/" target="_blank">askocean.ie</a> <br>
        - <a href="http://www.findtail.com/" target="_blank">findtail.com</a> <br>
        - <a href="http://search.sqipcom.com/" target="_blank">search.sqipcom.com</a> <br>
        - <a href="http://www.fly2net.com/" target="_blank">fly2net.com</a> <br>



        &nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="../products/inout_search_engine/testimonials.php">Click here</a> to see what our clients say about Inout Search Engine. <br>

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    <td height="21"  align="left" style="line-height:17px; ">Do you want to compare the features of<strong> Inout Search Engine</strong> with the most popular search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing(formerly known as Live) and Altavista?&nbsp;<a href="/products/inout_search_engine/compare.php"><strong>Click Here</strong></a>.</td>

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<strong>Inout search engine general features</strong>
        <li>Preloaded with 12 of the most popular searches including Web, Images, Video, News, Sports Audio, Forum, Blog, Kids, Dictionary, Wiki and PDF.</li>
        <li>Unlimited custom engines.</li>

        <li>Easy engine creation based on a theme, website, TLD extension or result file type.</li>
        <li>Manage Engine Order Easily.</li>
        <li>Engines can be presented to public as tabs, drop downs, radio buttons or text links.(<font color="#ff0000">*NEW*</font>) </li>
        <li>Multi-language support.(<font color="#ff0000">*NEW*</font>) </li>
        <li>More Languages can be easily added and managed.(<font color="#ff0000">*NEW*</font>) </li>

        <li>You may optionally specify a non-English language as default language.(<font color="#ff0000">*NEW*</font>) </li>
        <li>Supports both 'Left to Right'  and  'Right to Left' languages.(<font color="#ff0000">*NEW*</font>) </li>
        <li>Easily Integrate Yahoo Boss, Google Youtube API Keys.(<font color="#ff0000">*NEW*</font>) </li>
        <li>XML result parsing from source engines with the help of API keys.(<font color="#ff0000">*NEW*</font>) </li>

        <li>Arithmetic conversion. Allows users to evaluate their arithmetic expression using web search.(<font color="#ff0000">*NEW*</font>) </li>
        <li>Unit Conversion. Allows users to change one unit into its equivalent another standard. (eg: 1inch = 2.54 centimeters)(<font color="#ff0000">*NEW*</font>) </li>
        <li>I'm feeling lucky button which helps users to find the webpage they are looking without browsing through the result pages.(<font color="#ff0000">*NEW*</font>) </li>
        <li>Bad word filter for family safe search engines.</li>

        <li>Home page keyword cloud tags to show top searches.(<font color="#ff0000">*NEW*</font>) </li>
        <li>Optional feature to turn off cloud tags when user selects a language other than default language.(<font color="#ff0000">*NEW*</font>) </li>
        <li>Optional feature to add a hidden theme/keyword for all the searches users make. Useful when you run a niche search engine.(<font color="#ff0000">*NEW*</font>) </li>
        <li>Upload separate logos for home page and result page (Optional).(<font color="#ff0000">*NEW*</font>) </li>

        <li>Show thumbshot with each result.</li>
        <li>Allow users to override thumbshots.(<font color="#ff0000">*NEW*</font>) </li>
        <li>Quicklook along with results which allows users to load the result page in a frame under the result without changing the browser location. </li>
        <li>Allow users to override quicklook.(<font color="#ff0000">*NEW*</font>) </li>
        <li>Email a friend link with each result.</li>

        <li>Spelling suggestion.(<font color="#ff0000">*NEW*</font>) </li>
        <li>Show search keywords in result as bold text.</li>
        <li>Show new window icon next to each result.</li>
        <li>Show related keywords in the result page.(<font color="#ff0000">*NEW*</font>) </li>
        <li>Create public page display themes from admin area.(<font color="#ff0000">*NEW*</font>) </li>

        <li>You may optionally allow users to choose their desired themes.(<font color="#ff0000">*NEW*</font>) </li>
        <li>Mix popular image results in its web search as like in google and yahoo.(<font color="#ff0000">*NEW*</font>) </li>
        <li>Users can search based on the country.</li>
        <li>Cache result in DB for longer periods to reduce the API calls and response time.</li>
        <li>Allows users to show full size images directly from the image results page.</li>

        <li>Show full size images in lightbox/normal window/popup window.(<font color="#ff0000">*NEW*</font>) </li>
        <li>Fully template driven allowing easy and complete control and customization of all pages.</li>

<strong>Key admin features</strong>

        <li>Easily create new custom engines.</li>
        <li>Edit/manage engines.</li>
        <li>Easily manage the order of engines.</li>
        <li>Add new language.(<font color="#ff0000">*NEW*</font>) </li>
        <li>Manage languages.(<font color="#ff0000">*NEW*</font>) </li>

        <li>Create/manage style themes.(<font color="#ff0000">*NEW*</font>) </li>
        <li>Create/manage style theme groups.(<font color="#ff0000">*NEW*</font>) </li>
        <li>Turn on/off arithmetic conversions.(<font color="#ff0000">*NEW*</font>) </li>
        <li>Turn on/off unit conversions.(<font color="#ff0000">*NEW*</font>) </li>

        <li>Enable/Disable I'm feeling lucky button.(<font color="#ff0000">*NEW*</font>) </li>
        <li>Enable/Disable bad words filter.</li>
        <li>Enable/Disable list languages in their native script.(<font color="#ff0000">*NEW*</font>) </li>
        <li>Select default language.(<font color="#ff0000">*NEW*</font>) </li>

        <li>Turn on/off cloud tags.(<font color="#ff0000">*NEW*</font>) </li>
        <li>Specify the number of keywords need to be displayed in the cloud tags.(<font color="#ff0000">*NEW*</font>) </li>
        <li>Specify whether cloud tags need to be displayed only for default language.(<font color="#ff0000">*NEW*</font>) </li>
        <li>Select search type display style tab/text link/radio buttons/drop down.(<font color="#ff0000">*NEW*</font>) </li>

        <li>Optional hidden keyword which can be added with all public search keywords.(<font color="#ff0000">*NEW*</font>) </li>
        <li>Upload home page and result page logos.(<font color="#ff0000">*NEW*</font>) </li>
        <li>Configure API Keys.(<font color="#ff0000">*NEW*</font>) </li>
        <li>Enable/Disable thumbshots.</li>

        <li>Specify whether to allow users to override thumbshots.(<font color="#ff0000">*NEW*</font>) </li>
        <li>Enable/Disable Quick Look.</li>
        <li>Specify whether to allow users to override Quick Look.(<font color="#ff0000">*NEW*</font>)  </li>
        <li>Specify whether to show keywords in result as bold text.</li>
        <li>Enable/Disable 'new window' icon next to each result.(<font color="#ff0000">*NEW*</font>) </li>

        <li>Specify whether to allow users to choose the display theme.(<font color="#ff0000">*NEW*</font>) </li>
        <li>Enable/Disable allow to show image results in web.(<font color="#ff0000">*NEW*</font>) </li>
        <li>Specify whether to allow users to search based on a country.</li>
        <li>Specify how to show image full size? (In lightbox/normal window/popup window) (<font color="#ff0000">*NEW*</font>) </li>

        <li>Set default display theme for tabs, text links, radio buttons, drop downs, result pages and general page layout. (<font color="#ff0000">*NEW*</font>) </li>
        <li>View system statistics such as, total cached pages, active engines, active languages, active conversions rules.</li>
        <li>View detailed keyword search statistics based on engine and time period.</li>
        <li>Manage unit conversions.(<font color="#ff0000">*NEW*</font>) </li>
        <li>Define new units and manage already defined units.(<font color="#ff0000">*NEW*</font>) </li>

        <li>Manage Family Filter.</li>
        <li>Define bad words and manage them.</li>
        <li>Manage search result caching.(<font color="#ff0000">*NEW*</font>) </li>
        <li>Manage cache period for each engines.(<font color="#ff0000">*NEW*</font>) </li>
        <li>Manage old cache results.(<font color="#ff0000">*NEW*</font>) </li>


<strong>Installation and Support</strong>
        <li>Easy install. (Free installation offered) </li>
        <li>1 year FREE updates.</li>
        <li>1 year FREE support.</li>


          <a href="../products/inout_search_engine/features.php">Features and Requirements</a> | <a href="/demo/inout_search_engine/demo.php">Demo</a> | <a href="../products/inout_search_engine/testimonials.php">Testimonials</a><br>

          <a href="products/inout_search_engine/buy.php"><img src="/images/buy-today.gif" width="152" height="21" border="0"></a><br>
    </td><td>&nbsp;</td>                </tr></table>


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        <td><span class="style7 style3"> </span>
          <span class="style7 style3">InoutScripts provides a complete mailing 
          list solution with the Inout Mailing List Manager. It is a low cost, 
          feature rich solution for your mailing list requirements. Inout Search 
          Engine provides a complete search engine solution whatever be your searching 
          requirements. Please read the terms of use before buying scripts. Our 
          Partners : <a class ="notelink" href="http://www.queryspace.com/">QuerySpace</a>, 
          <a href="http://www.xzeroscripts.com/" class ="notelink">XZeroScripts</a>, 
          <a href="http://www.scripts.com" class="notelink">Scripts.com™</a>, <A HREF="http://www.scriptsearch.com"  class="notelink">ScriptSearch.com</A></span></td>

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        <td><div align="center"><a href="affiliate/">Affiliate with us</a> &nbsp;| <a href="/hosting.php">Hosting recommendations</a> &nbsp;| <a href="terms.php">Terms of use</a> | <a href="sitemap.html">Sitemap</a> | <a href="/forums/">Support Forums</a>&nbsp;</div></td>

        <div align="center">&copy; 2006-2009 InoutScripts.com, All Rights Reserved. </div></td>
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pus acum 14 ani

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Postari: 4
Nu eu as vrea sa iau tot scriptu gratis ca sa imi fac eu un portal de cautare
Si Iulyus si orcine incearca sa ma ajute multumesc de ajutor.

Modificat de sh4rk1z (acum 14 ani)

pus acum 14 ani

Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
Postari: 712
nu e  chear asa  de simplu ... de pe siteul lor nu ai cum sa iei scriptul , am incercat eu sa vad daca merge sa smecheresti ...sa il pot fura.. nici o sansa ...nu sunt prosti deloc ...

o alternativa ar fi sa copiezi un portal gata facut , cu un program de copiat siteuri ... din care sa extragi scriptul ...

ce zici de ideea mea ?

pus acum 14 ani

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Postari: 4
pai deci as putea sa copiez cu website rip copier sau ceva de genu demoul lor?

pus acum 14 ani
Pagini: 1  

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